Thursday, December 24, 2015

"Christmas" when our thoughts are turned to thee

                                     Reflections of Christ

     One day I was sitting in our family room reflecting on our Savior and the many blessings that I had received from him or because of him. My heart was so full of gratitude for my Savior Jesus Christ and my mind began to speak these words, when I soon realized that what I was doing and thinking was bearing my testimony to myself. I thought I should write these words and thoughts down on paper.

     At this time of year when I am reflecting on our Savior and his birth, I think back to the thoughts that I had that day.

                           My Personal testimony of Jesus Christ

"I bear witness of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His life and his mission here on earth.

I know He came voluntarily to this earth, because He loved us so much. He is the Son of God, our eternal Heavenly Father and bore witness of this fact. His gospel is left to us in full, in the scriptures, that we might be able to have direction and personal revelation in our lives.
I bear testimony of the scriptures and the importance of reading them daily in our lives.

He taught the gospel in word and in deed, or by example, that we might know how to act and how to treat others and how to love others unconditionally.

He was and is the example of perfection;
He overcame the world-all things
He loved unconditionally
His mercies know no bounds
His arms are outstretched always waiting for us to ask for his help
He is one whose compassion heels the broken heart and body of all who would believe on him
And whose purpose iss to bring to pass the eternal life and glory of us all.

I LOVE Him! He is my protector, my comforter, he soothes my troubled heart. He leads me, and guides me, and walks beside me.

His spirit goes out before me daily and prepares the way for me. He stands as a witness before God in my behalf as my mediator and petitions our Heavenly Father to have mercy on my soul."

I know our Father lives and loves us! I love Him too. I am thankful for Jesus Christ, for all that he suffered on the cross for me, that I might, if I live worthily, return to live with my Heavenly parents again. These things I humbly bear witness of in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."

 My wish at this time of year is that we all remember our Savior and His gifts to us and in turn try to emulate these gifts in how we treat others.

     I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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