Monday, December 14, 2015

  "Come and Learn of Me"

We are studying the New Testament this year in our Sunday School classes. So I decided that I would study about Christ from the set of books written by Bruce R. McConkie, an Apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints or LDS Church, or commonly known as the Mormons.

The second book in this set, The Mortal Messiah, and actually printed as Book 1, is where I have taken most of my thoughts and quotes from today.

This invitation is always issued when the Lord has a people on earth; to "Come and Learn of Me". In every dispensation people have been invited to learn of Christ. In our day the invitation is,

"Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me, I am Jesus Christ; I came by the will of my Father, and I do His will." D&C 19:23-34

We are told in 1 Corinthians 12:3, to "Come unto me and receive my spirit, THEN shall ye have power to learn of me." Joseph Smith taught us this "No man can know that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost,"

Everyone learns from someone else. Bruce R. McKonkie said,
"If all instruction and education ceased, if all patterns of living were taken away, civilization would cease in one generation, and all of earth's inhabitants would sink to a state of barbarism. Because of this, our merciful Heavenly Father endows his children, when they come to this earth, with the Light of Christ, a righteous power and influence which proceeds forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space."

It is the Spirit of Christ that allows us to learn and understand the truth of all things. We just need to
live so that we are worthy to have his spirit with us. We can pray to our Heavenly Father to know the truth of all things. When we have hard decisions to make in life and we don't know which way to turn--we can turn to our Father in Heaven who will tell us in our hearts and minds what is the right course to take. Even if we have to step out into the darkness, the Lord will not let us get too far into our decision without letting us know whether or not we have made the right choice. But we must always be listening so we can feel and hear that still small voice.

These answers often come to me in the early morning hours, when things are peaceful and when I am not distracted by earthly matters. I have learned when I hear the words in my mind, "I should" or "I wonder if" then the Lord is telling me that I need to go and do the things I was thinking of. I might have a feeling inside of heaviness or uneasiness about something. Or I might doubt or have hesitations about something. I have learned that the Lord is telling me that whatever it is, it is not for me, or the timing might not be right. It takes a long time to learn these feelings and what they mean. I have learned by trial and error, as we all must. But we are all here to learn from life's experiences that we might know the good from the evil. These experiences will make us grow closer to our Heavenly Father.

He wants us to be happy! He is very aware of us and what is going on in our lives. He will prepare the way for us if we just ask him to. He loves us. He loves you. He wants us to Come to Him.

Love, Nanna

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