Sunday, January 10, 2016

"Mother's Pearls"

My second eldest daughter Shelby went to China to teach English. When she returned, she brought me back a string of pearls. They are beautiful and I enjoy wearing them very much because she gave them to me.

One day I looked at those pearls and realized that some day in the very distant future, I hope, she will probably wear them also. On occasion my children will make comments about some of my "things" they would like to inherit when I am gone. I never was 'into' that sort of thing because they are just things.

When my grandmother, whom I loved dearly, died, I inherited a couple of her journals. They are the dearest and most meaningful possessions I have of hers. When I read them I feel like she is right there with me and am inspired by her writings. She taught me many things as did many other women in my life. Each little bit of knowledge I have gained, is like a pearl on that strand. My life is like that necklace and I still feel like I am adding to it. I decided that the greatest thing I could leave my children would be the 'pearls of knowledge' I have gained over the years of my lifetime, for what they are worth.

I was inspired to write the thoughts that come to me because of a question  posed to me by my daughter Jenny. She asked me one day, "How did you do it? How did you raise us kids?" It wasn't an easy question to answer. I thought a lot about it and once in a while some examples of inspiration in moments of child rearing would come to me and decided I needed to write them down.

No one taught me how to raise children before I had them. I had the example of my parents but knew there were many things I would like to add to what I learned from them. And that was the beginning. I am eternally grateful for the examples of others who taught me how to raise good children. I write these thoughts and feelings that come to me in behalf of my children and grandchildren so that they perhaps can learn from my mistakes and successes and start where I left off, improving on my example.

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