Friday, January 15, 2016

Learning to Love Unconditionally through the Master's Touch

A number of years ago, I  had one of the most spiritual experiences of my life and also one of the most difficult. I found out I had breast cancer. I will never forget the feelings I had during the first two weeks of finding out about this cancer. 

The most frightening thought was that I might not be here for my children when they needed me, and that I would miss some of the best years of raising them. It was a difficult period of time, but I quickly recognized the spirit of the Lord was attending me constantly throughout the surgeries and for the next two years! I found out later that many people had been praying for me.

I found myself succoring those who came to succor me. I was lifted up by the presence of the Lord's spirit that attended me. I basked in his light and I soon began to see that I was being tutored by the Lord. I didn't recognize it at first, but little by little, I became aware of each teaching moment.

 One of the greatest things I was taught was how much the Lord loves us. I felt his unconditional love for me, every moment of every day. I began to look on others with this same love. It was like I was able to see them through His eyes; almost as if I could see into their earthly bodies and see their spirits. One day at work I helped a young man, who I was told was very belligerent, foul mouthed and had been refused care by the other nurses who had grown disgusted by his rudeness.  I will never forget walking into his room and looking him in the eyes. 

There I saw a young boy wracked with torment from  the heavy load he carried. It was if I could see his burdens surrounding him. My soul filled with love for him and I wanted to take him in my arms and rock him, as I would a hurt child. I called him softly by name and asked him if I could help him get dressed. He looked me in the eyes and I felt his heart soften. Somehow our spirits connected. I knew, that he knew, he could trust me. 

I helped him slip his shirt up around his shoulders and one by one I buttoned his shirt, while he patiently watched me nimbly push each button through the snug buttonholes. He quietly gathered his things, not saying a word to me, and left without proper discharging. One of the nurses turned to me and said, "How did you do that?" I said, shrugging my shoulders, "I just treated him like I would have anyone else." 

I wish I could explain how I came to feel this love for others. I was taught directly by the Lord. It changed my life. I don't ever look at people now the way I did before that day. I was taught by the Masters touch.  I began to see my own children differently and my husband. I saw my parents, my brothers and sisters and everyone one I met differently! Only our Heavenly Father sees an individuals potential. He understands what each of us is dealing with, and our abilities or inabilities to deal with each trial that presents its self upon us.

 I saw how important it is to always be positive and never, ever, focus on the weaknesses.  Our Heavenly Father sees our strengths and our potential. He knew us in the preexistence and knows what we are capable of.  He encourages us always. He is forgiving and He is kind. He cries for us when we are hurting and is merciful when we are repentant and would only say to us "Go and sin no more." 

Be kind. Be loving. Be gentle. Never, ever, be critical of the sweet, sweet spirits the Lord has entrusted into your care. Love them as he would love them and as He loves you. Be tolerant of their mistakes as He is with yours.

Encourage them as he does you. Recognize their potential and bask in their goodness. Be ever tolerant of their weaknesses and wrongdoings because often they have inherited them from you!

The Lord loves us in spite of our weaknesses. Treat them with the same respect that you would give the prophet because they are potentially Gods and Goddess's, Priests and Priestess's and heirs to all our Father has.

I could not bare the disappointment of our Father, who felt I did not give my children the love they needed to be secure in themselves and in their relationships with their Heavenly Father and Mother. 

Even though having cancer was one of the hardest trials I have had to deal with, it has been the best spiritual experience of my life. I learned things through that trial that I am not sure I could have learned any other way. I am so thankful for the things the Lord has taught me. When I have had weaknesses that I have wanted to overcome and have prayed earnestly and sincerely about, the Lord has always given me trials or experiences in my life that have caused a change in my heart and has helped me to overcome them. For that I am grateful. I don't think I had the ability to overcome them by myself. Those mighty changes of heart come through the Lord Jesus Christ alone. 
He is the  healer of the soul. For that I am eternally grateful. Amen. 

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